Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Rottie's temperament

Rottweilers have a reputation for being viscous attack dogs, but despite what television and movies may say, this is not their true nature. 

  • Rotties are incredibly loyal, which makes them superb watchdogs, and they will protect their family fearlessly – but to be viscous, they must be trained that way. 

  • When properly trained, socialized and exercised from puppyhood, Rotties are even tempered and dignified companions.

  • They do not buddy up to just any newcomer, but rather take their time to decide who is worthy of their time and affection. 

  • With their families they are affectionate and playful, and most Rottweiler owners note that their dogs seem to not know how large they are, wanting to cuddle up on the couch or the bed. For experienced dog owners who have the time to commit to a large breed, the Rottweiler is a true blue friend.

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